There hasn't been much in the way of warping or rambling in these parts for some weeks, due to an injured knee and damaged/bruised ligaments.....I have knitted about 10 pairs of socks for unfortunate friends and family (though secretly I am very proud of my new-found sock-knitting prowess) a wool balaclava for my brother to wear when he is training for triathlons and marathons, and a couple of rather strange knitted character key rings.
There is something very satisfying about knitting socks in the round, and in particular the avoidance of sewing seams. I particularly enjoy the technique of "grafting" the toe end, the final part of the sock knitting process, and one which ensures a seamless and comfortable finish. Photos to follow.
I hope to get weaving again soon, but knitting has proved a portable, enjoyable, challenging and leg-rest-enforcing way of tolerating my recovery.